Добавлено: 09 Сентября 2013 Категории: Конференции и семинары
3-7 сентября 2013 г. ИМГиГ ДВО РАН, г. Южно-Сахалинск
Comparative Stopover Ecology of Yellow-breasted Bunting, Ocyris aureolus, of two spots of Amurland, Eastern Russia
Determination of Valuable Areas for Migratory Songbirds along the East-Asian Australasian Flyway (EEAF) using Machine Learning Predictions of Public Data, and an Approach for Strategic Conservation Planning (MARXAN)
Challenges in Studies of Distribution and Migrations of Bullfinches in Asia-Pacific region
Body Mass Change in the Arctic Warbler along the Section of Flyway during Fall Migration
Migratory Fuelling in Passerines: the Case Study on European Robins (Erithacus rubecula)
Stopover Patterns of Landbirds at an Inland Site of Northeast China: Species Composition and Migration Timing
Migration Routes and Stopover Sites of Sandhill Cranes from Yakutian Breeding Grounds, revealed by Means of Satellite Tracking
Migration Strategy of Yelloy-throated Buntings (Emberiza elegans) revealed by Stable Isotope Analysis
Migratory Links between the Baikal Region and the Pacific Area
Using Stable Isotopes to Link Breeding, Stopover and Wintering Locations of Migratory Songbirds.
Migration Strategies of Arctic Geese in Western and Eastern Palearctic
Studies of Migration Connectivity in Sakhalin Landbirds by Means of Banding and Stable Isotopes
Age-dependent Spring Migration Strategies of Male Orange- flanked Bush Robins (Tarsiger cyanurus) in Korea
Global Importance of Pong Dam – a manmade Reservoir in North-Western India for the Migratory Waterbirds of the Central-Asian Flyway
Chilika Lake – an important Wintering and Stop-over Site for Waterbird Populations of both the Central-Asian and East-Asian Australasian flyways in the Indian Subcontnent.
Chilika Lake – an important Wintering and Stop-over Site for Waterbird Populations of both the Central-Asian and East-Asian Australasian flyways in the Indian Subcontnent
History, Realities, Comparisons, Needs, Opportunities and Visions for Migratory Birds on the East-Esian Australasian Flyway (EEAF) and beyond: a Sustainability Efficiency Check and ‘Best Professional Research Practices’
Migrant Waders Count in May 2012 with Particular Reference to Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus) at the Staging Site in Lososey Bay, Aniva Gulf, Southern Sakhalin
Ecological Crisis in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and the Importance of Russia
Odoptu Bay (Northern Sakhalin) – the Key Staging Site for Waders during Postbreeding Movements and Fall migration in Okhotsk Sea Region
The Slaty-Backet Gull in the Northern Sea of Okhotsk: the Choice of Feeding Strategies during the Breeding Period
50 Years of International Collaboration for Research and Protection of Birds in the Russian Far East